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Agricultural Public Speaking Contest

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Public Speaking Entry

Entry Fee: $10 per individual
Entry Deadline: September 1st, 2024
Late Entries: Contest may be late entered until Sept. 19th, 2024 for a $25 entry fee
Date of Contest: September 23, 2024 @ 1pm
Time of Contest: Starts at 1pm
Final Round: Immediately following preliminary round, if needed
Awards: Immediately following final round
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1. All rules apply to the Agricultural Public Speaking Contest as listed in the general rules of the Exhibitor Handbook. All rules and/or procedures are subject to change by the committee.

2. Age Divisions will be broken down into:
• Junior Division: 3rd-5th grade
• Intermediate Division, 6th -8th grade
• Senior Division: 9th-12th grade

3. Contestants in each division will be divided into groups depending on category. Categories must be indicated upon entry by August 1st, 2024; category changes after entry deadline will not be permitted.

4. Speech title and statement of originality all must be submitted at time of entry. There will be no exceptions. Incomplete entries will not be accepted.

5. Business attire or official 4-H/FFA attire is recommended.

6. Contestants are required to upload the following items at the time of entry to the online registration form:
a. Speech Title and Category
b. A statement of originality signed by the contestant and parent(s) must be attached to each copy of the speech.

7. Contestants must submit manuscript to electronically to the chairman one week before the contest.

8. If a contestant chooses to not follow the documentation guidelines outlined, point deductions will be taken at the discretion of the superintendent, show management and judges.

9. Speech shall be a minimum of four (4) minutes in length and a maximum of six (6) minutes.
Time point deductions will be as follows:
a. Under four minutes – one (1) point per ten seconds
b. Over six minutes – one (1) point per ten seconds
c. Judge can stop student at 7 minutes if they are still speaking.
9. Each judge will ask each contestant a question. Each answer will be no longer than 90 seconds.

10. The use of pets, signs, electronics, objects, or props of any kind are prohibited. A violation of this rule will result in contestant disqualification.

11. Each contestant will enter their speech in one of four categories. A contestant may enter in one category only. There are subject matters which may be appropriate in more than one category. Final determination of all speeches will be at the discretion of the superintendent and show management. The category the student wishes to enter must be submitted with the original entry form.

12. Previous 1st place winners in Junior and Senior Divisions must select a new speech topic(can be the same speech category) to remain eligible to enter the contest in subsequent years.

13. Committee members have the right to change/amend any rules, guidelines, or awards pertaining to this contest.


Agricultural Policy/Agribusiness: Any current or future subject that deals with topics such as domestic farm issues, international trade, international competition, rural economic development, legal issues, animal rights, subsidies, price supports, cooperatives, sales, service, communications, entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, commodities, hedging, advertising.

Animal Science: Any current or future subject that deals with any aspects of the dairy, equine, poultry, sheep, goat, swine, beef or specialty animal industries.

Horticulture/Landscape/Natural Resources: Any current or future subject that addresses any aspect of the horticulture and/or agronomy industries including floriculture, fruit and/or vegetable production, nursery operations, turf and landscape management, crop production, specialty crop production, soil, water, air, water quality, wildlife, forestry, aquaculture, conservation, recreation, recycling, energy environmental issues, etc.

Western Heritage/Ag Advocacy: Any current or future subject that deals with the topics such as Western history, culture, or heritage. Any current or future subject that addresses topics such as biotechnology, biogenetics, bioengineering, mechanical engineering, new agritechnology applications, global positioning and other satellite technology, computer applications, etc.


Junior Division
1st Place Winner - Plaque and Premium money TBD
2nd and 3rd place Winners - Premium money TBD
Intermediate Division
1st Place Winner - Plaque and Premium money TBD
2nd and 3rd place Winners - Premium money TBD
Senior Division
1st Place Winner - Plaque and Premium money TBD
2nd and 3rd place Winners - Premium money TBD
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